English Note.

[넷플릭스 영어공부] 굿 플레이스(The Good Place)시즌1-2화

드치킨 2024. 3. 22. 17:30



2024.03.14 - [영어공부집] - [넷플릭스 영어공부] 굿 플레이스(The Good Place)시즌1-1화


[넷플릭스 영어공부] 굿 플레이스(The Good Place)시즌1-1화

넷플릭스 미국 드라마 굿플레이스(The Good Place) ( *개인적인 공부 노트일 뿐 전문성이 1도 없습니다. 이용에 참고 부탁드립니다^^) 최근에 영어공부하기 좋은 미드를 추천받아서 굿플레이스를 보





넷플릭스 미드 영어공부 추천 굿플레이스(The Good Place) 시즌1-2화

( *개인적인 공부 노트일 뿐 전문성이 1도 없습니다. 이용에 참고 부탁드립니다^^)


넷플릭스 드라마



단어 / 뜻 / 대사

단어 뜻1 뜻2 대사
[ ˈpjuːtrɪd ]
부패하는. 썩은. 냄새가나는 아주 불쾌한  
disgusting 역겨운.
혐오스러운 Morally speaking, this is a putrid,
disgusting bowl of ethical soup.
chill 냉기. 오한 차게 식히다 Okay, well, how about we just chill
town meeting 주민회의   and go to the town meeting and talk it out after?
incognito 익명으로 자기 신분을
Quick question, can anyone access our search history,
or is this an incognito browsing situation
mailman 우편배달원   like when you're stalking a hot mailman
from your work computer?
confidential 비밀의. 기밀의 은밀한 It is 100% confidential.
gather round -을 돕기위해
  Gather round, please, thank you, thank you.
obviously 확실히. 분명히   Obviously,
there's something very wrong with this neighborhood.
[ ˈkeɪɑːs]
혼돈. 혼란   The chaos happened here.
hang in 버티다. 견디다   Hey, Gary. Hang in there, buddy.
armpit 겨드랑이   Boy, my armpits are leaking. What is that called again?
leak 새다 누설하다  
lick 햛다 마시다 And what do you do with sweat?
Do you lick it away, is that right?
dab 만지다. 누르다 살짝 바르다 No, you dab it with a cloth. -Oh, right.
(비교급 weirder)
이상한 기이한 And then you lick the cloth? That seems weirder.
settle down 편안히 앉다. 눕다 진정되다.
-를 진정시키다
Okay, things are settling down outside. 밖은 정리중이다
pill 알약. 피임약   Is there a pill I can take or something I could vape?
vape 담배 연기등을
chalkboard 칠판 =blackboard,
Where did you get a chalkboard?
treatise 논문   It's a treatise on the aesthetic preconditions
[ es|θetɪk ]
심미적. 미적인 =esthetic  
precondition 전제조건    
receptivity 수용성. 감수성   of the mind's receptivity to duty.
imperative 반드시 해야하는 (=vital) 위엄있는 Is there a moral imperative to help you?
moral imperative 도덕적 의무    
obligation 법적 의무   Do I have a greater obligation to my community?
take one's spot ~의 자리를
  Are you taking someone else's spot,
someone who deserves to be here?
swear 욕을하다 맹세하다 Please, help me, man. I swear I am worth it.
racist 인종차별주의자   Is it racist if I say Africa?
sibling 형제자매 공동 구성원 Do I have any siblings? Where did I go to college?
trick question 속임수 교묘한 질문 Trick question. You didn't.
literally [ ˈlɪtərəli ] 문자그대로 그야말로. 정말로 I was literally a college professor.
Dude 녀석 Dude, things have been nuts around here.
nuts 미친.
제정신이 아닌
~에 미친듯이
일이 이상하게 돌아가고 있다.
constantly 끊임없이. 거듭   Because you are constantly talking about yourself.
self-obsessed 자기 강박의.
자기 집착의
  You are the most self-obsessed person I have ever met.
fear 공포. 두려움 우려하다 Okay, this is my fear about you, Eleanor.
selfish 이기적인   You are too selfish to ever(부정의 의미) be a good person.
designated driver 대리운전자 지명운전자
(파티 등에서)
Okay, names in the hat. Time to pick a designated driver.
draw 뽑기. 추첨 그리다. 뽑아내다 and you're always the one who draws the name.
integrity 진실성 온전함 Everyone here believes in my integrity 100%, right, guys?
For the record 분명히 말하자면 공식적으로 For the record I did that out of principle,
because it absolutely had your name on it.
out of principle 개인적인
원칙에 따라
(but 공식적x)
absolutely 틀림없이 극도로. 굉장히  
figure out 생각하다.
계산해내다 If I check the other ones, I can figure it out
elimination 제거. 퇴치 예선경기 by process of elimination.
wash over 거세게 밀려오다. 엄습하다 (영향없이)
~을 스쳐가다
Again, out of principle. Let it wash over you, Betsy.
off and running 순조롭게 잘 진행되는   So hopefully, we're off and running.
live a little 인생을 즐겨라   Now that you're dead, let's live a little, right?
낫을 휘둘러
베어나간 자리
넓은 길. 행렬 large swaths of this neighborhood were destroyed.
debris 잔해 쓰레기 We thought perhaps some of us could volunteer
to help clean up the debris.
band togather 함께 뭉치다 무리를 이루다 You know, it's quite a fun way to band together
as a community,
vow 맹세. 맹세하다   He took a vow of silence that he's still observing,
observing 관찰하는 빈틈없는  
pass on(=away) 돌아가시다 존재하던 것이
I can't believe all these people are passing on flying
through the air 허공을 가르다    
soar 급증하다 날아오르다 I'll be soaring through the air like a forkin' bird.
common good 공익 공유재산 and then there's something less fun
that people are doing for the common good.
suck 구리다(비격식) 빨다. 마시다 Having fun, or does it maybe suck, probably?
[ |saɪml|teɪniəs]
동시에   Well, I wouldn't call it fun.
I'd say it's like 50 million simultaneous orgasms,
remind me of 나에게 -를
생각나게 하다
  You know, this really reminds me of my time in Vietnam,
godmother 대모   picking up mortar shells with my godmother, Diana.
swimmingly 순조롭게   Oh, swimmingly, Michael. And I have to say
[ |sæŋktʃueri ]
보호구역. 안식 피난처 And I've been to Johnny Depp's private bird sanctuary.
meltdown 원자로 핵 등의
중대한 사고
감정적인 붕괴.
Michael could be heading for a total meltdown.
[ slaɪ ]
교활한 다 알고 있다는 듯이 Oh, you sly devil.
keep me on my toes -가 나를
준비되어 있다 You're going to keep me on my toes, aren't you?
janitor 경비원, 관리인 =caretaker I totally pictured being an unpaid, non-flying janitor.
[ rɪˈlentləs ]
수그러들지 않는
가차없는 You guys are so fun. Just relentlessly fun.
garbage-free 쓰레기가 없는   I've made some new friends.
My area's almost garbage-free.
[ fə|lɑːsəfə(r) ]
철학자   Most great philosophers would say
pointless 무의미한 -할 가치가 없는 helping you is pointless, that you can't try to be good,
corrupt 부패한. 타락한 부패하게만들다 especially when your motivations are so obviously corrupt.
virtue 선. 선행. 미덕 장점 On the other hand,
Aristotle thought that moral virtue is something
on board 승선한. 탑승한 기내에. 선상에 So it sounds to me like
you are onboard the "Help Eleanor" train.
narrow 좁은. 아슬아슬한 좁아지다. 좁히다 Well, I've narrowed it down to two possibilities, yes and no.
hit me up
(Abbr.) HMU
연락해. 답장줘   Just hit me up
when you're done weighing my life in your hands.
[ weɪ ]
무게가 -이다.
무게를 달다
중요성을 따져보다  
[ kənˈsɪdərət ]
사려깊은. 남을 배려하는   I'll just keep doing
what I do best: being super considerate and selfless.
full disclosure 사실대로 말하면 전면 폭로. 발표 Full disclosure, I forgot we were doing this new system.
get off 떠나다. 퇴근하다 잠이들다 I got off work early. I've been here for about an hour,
loophole 법률. 계약서 등의 구멍 허점 Guess the only place
I'll be driving is through the giant loophole
manage to 간신히 -하다.
I can't believe
they've managed to mix one million flavors together
remarkable 놀랄만한.
  It's remarkable.
blow it
(blow-blew- blown)
얼빠진 일을 하다
  It was my chance to prove myself, and now I've blown it.
glitch 작은 문제. 결함   if there's a single glitch in the system
angle 비스듬히
-에 눈높이를
if even one blade of grass is angled a fraction of
a degree off...
compromise 타협. 절충안 타협하다.
The whole neighborhood is compromised.
hop 한 발로 깡충깡충 뛰다   How do I start? -Hop on the launch pad
hop on (대중교통 등)
에 올라타다
conjure 마술을 하다 -를 상기시키다 and conjure an image that brings you pure joy.
puke (비격식) 토하다   People puking on roller coasters.
[ ˈmɪrli ]
한낱. 그저. 단지   Everyone, it is merely a construct of a dog.
ditch 배수로 -를 버리다.
-를 차버리다
My bag broke, and I ditched the trash
dumpster 대형쓰레기   instead of taking it all the way to the dumpster.
deliberation 숙고 신중함 This is a relief. I can stop my deliberations.
fall apart 다 허물어질
모든 것이
무너져 내리다
to be calm and in control and I'm falling apart.
paragon 귀감. 모범   No, Michael, you are a paragon of fortitude.
fortitude 불굴의 용기 =bravery, courage  
[ ˈkænjən ]
협곡. 계곡   I'm not a mountain of strength. I'm a canyon full of poo-poo.
refer to -참조하다 -를 나타내다 the architect of this neighborhoodhas
just referred to himself as a canyon full of poo-poo.
grace -를 빛내다.
은총. 우아함 Grace us with your vocalized wisdom.
Please, I'm begging you.
[ |ɑːbstəkl ]
장애. 장애물   No, of course, I can overcome any obstacle.
sober 술 취하지 않은 진지한 Staying sober and knowing my friends will get home safe,
that's my buzz.
-를 뜻하다 -를 의도하다 I meant it sucks that I can't do it more often, you know?
bang it out 빠르게 일을
마무리 짓다
See that hot bartender over there? He's into me,
and we're gonna bang it out.
recognize 알아보다.
공인하다 But they recognized my number,
and they didn't want to come.
throw up
토하다   I've thrown up in a lot of cabs.
blow somebody off -를 바람 맞히다 -와의 관계를 끝내다 If you blow us off,
you are banned from Thursday night drinks forever.
dump 버리다 -를 떠넘기다 I went to all the places where I dumped trash earlier
remorse 회한 후회 Well, feeling remorse about being wrong
capable of -할 수 있는   I think you're capable of change.
loco (비격식) 미친   I did not tell you to do that. You are loco, girlfriend.
seam 이음매. 접합선   that doesn't leak right where the seam meets the lid.
fireball 불덩이. 화구    
[ ˈsɪnjuː ]
힘줄   It just exploded into this fireball of turkey flesh
and bones and sinew.
suspicion 혐의. 의심   Figured(생각했다.추론했다) it would cause less suspicion
For your information (FYI) 상대방에게
정보를 제공
  Cool. Uh, just FYI, I'm a very loud snorer.
drip-dry 다림질이
필요 없는
물기를 말리다
And I like to drip dry in the nude, so eyes to yourself, perv.
pull off 도로 밖으로 -를 빼다 (옷 등을) 잘 소화하다 Okay. Fine. Now you got a long way to go to pull this off.
damnation 지옥살이   You get to avoid eternal damnation.
decency 체면. 품위 예절 That's not a present. That's just common decency.
nail it 합격하다.
전속력으로 나가다 Yeah, but I forkin' nailed it.

